MTu MV03-24 Errington


Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, cP. 13., S. 45 (5)


TAKE NOTICE that the Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry will hold a public meeting on: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. to consider a proposed minor variance under Section 45 of the Planning Act (RSO 1990), as described below.

APPLICANT:                Jordan and Cheryl Errington

LOCATION OF PROPERTY:     CON 7 Pt Lots 19 & 20 as RP 22R3595 Part 1 (90044 Bok Line)

PURPOSE OF APPLICATION:  The purpose of this application is to allow for an addition to the rear portion of an existing residential dwelling in the NE2 (Natural Environment Limited Protection) Zone. The maximum footprint of the renovated dwelling will be a maximum of 225 sq m.

EXISTING ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS & OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION:  The property is zoned AG1 (General Agriculture) and NE2 (Natural Environment – Limited Protection Zone) – Key Map Turnberry (West)

PROPOSED MINOR VARIANCE:  Proposed relief from the following Sections of By-law 45-2014:

10.5 ZONE REGULATIONS Existing Buildings and Structures 

The minimum front, rear, side yards, existing on the date of passing of this By-law shall constitute the minimum yard requirements for existing buildings. The maximum lot coverage and height of buildings and structures existing on the date of passing of this By-law shall constitute the maximum requirements for existing buildings.

Relief is requested from section 10.5 of the Morris-Turnberry Zoning By-law to allow for a minor addition to the rear portion of the existing dwelling. 

PUBLIC HEARING:  You are entitled to attend this public hearing in person to express your views about this application or you may be represented by counsel for that purpose.  If you are aware of any person interested in or affected by this application who has not received a copy of this notice, you are requested to inform that person of this hearing.  If you wish to make written comments on this application, they may be forwarded to the secretary-treasurer of the committee at the address shown below.

FAILURE TO PARTICIPATE:  If you do not attend the hearing, it may proceed in your absence and, except as otherwise provided by the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.

NOTICE OF DECISION:  If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment regarding this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearing in the event of the decision of this application is appealed.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed minor variance is available for inspection on the Municipal Website at 



Trevor Hallam

Secretary, Committee of Adjustment

Municipality of Morris-Turnberry

41342 Morris Road, P.O. Box 310

Brussels, ON     N0G 1H0