Animal Control
Lifetime Dog tags are now being issued.
- Licenses will be valid for the life of the dog for which they are issued, Dog License fees will be charged on each owner’s property tax bill.
- You no longer need to come into the office to purchase your tag and license.
- Should the owner of the dog not be an owner of real property, they will be invoiced annually by the Municipality.
- As soon as reasonably practicable upon becoming aware of a tag being illegible or damaged, the owner of a dog shall request from the Clerk or other officer designated by the Corporation of the Municipality of Morris- Turnberry a replacement tag and pay the prescribed fees - Replacement Tag Costs - $10.00
- The owner of a dog shall notify the Clerk or other officer designated by the Corporation of the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry of the change in ownership of the dog, the death of the dog, or if a new dog is being harboured on their property.
The ANNUAL fee schedule shall be as follows:
1/ All Dogs (except those listed in # 2)
- males, females, and spayed females
FIRST DOG $20.00 per dog
ALL OTHERS $30.00 per dog
2/ Pit Bull, Staffordshire Terrier, Cross of either, or dogs deemed to be vicious
FIRST DOG $200.00 per dog
ALL OTHERS $210.00 per dog
3/ Kennel License Fee $150.00
Apply for a Licence
In the case of an emergency, please call 911.